
Ideal Skatebording Contest

Ideal Skatebording Present The

« Concours de Figures Acrobatique en Planche à Roulettes »

… a Skateboard contest.

The event will take place in Strasbourg (France), on Sunday October 25th 2009 next to the Modern Art Museum.

Register from 1pm to 2pm in both -16 and +16 year old categories.

1 Chance to win a prize for all subscribers!


Culture Street

Allstargum is a partner of Culture Street event by VCS

Culture Street 2009

« The VCS team will be fucking glad to meet you at Culture Street in Vitré.

Over there you will find the biggest skate park in « Bretagne », Skateboard Contest during all the day, Hip Hop Battles,  graffiti art and many more! »

So come on the 26th and 27th of June 2009 at Culture street 2009, enjoy & take it easy…

More information on (french website).


Skate à l’Ouest Tour

Allstargum is proud to be a partner of the Skate à l’Ouest Tour event


Skate à l’Ouest Tour 2009:

Dr West presents the Skate à l’Ouest Tour 2009 : skateboard, music, dumb battles and BBQ, weekend and all night long!

Dates / Cities

Poitiers – May 9th and 10th

Limoges – May 16th and 17th

Bordeaux (street) – May 23rd and 24th

Saintes – May 30th and 31st

La Rochelle – June 6th and 7th

Bordeaux (bowl) – June 27th and 28th

Angouleme – July 4th and 5th

Périgueux– July 11th

St Leon– July 12th