Repair with Allstargum Videos
Allstargum thanks everyone for the online tuts!
Allstargum thanks everyone for the online tuts!
Skateboarding is a killer hobby for skate shoes… Hopefully allstargum is here to save them !
Thanks to Allstargum black, Arvid repaired his two pairs of shoes !
Excellent work Arvid.
Julien from France repaired his shoes with Allstargum Black.
Another good exemple of shoe revival!
Daniel from Hungary repaired his shoes with Allstargum Black.
We’re proud to save one more pair of shoes !!
Themis from France repaired his shoes with Allstargum Black !
Great work !
There was a big long hole in my shoe, but then i used All Star Gum, and my shoe became reborn! 🙂
Oliver, Denmark
Broken shoes ?
No matters, Florian from Yamaskateboards used Allstargum black to repair his shoes. Take a look at the result and enjoy his in action picture ! Great job Florian.
Clement from France is not only customizing model cars with Allstargum, he althouh repairs his dead shoes !
He used Allstargum Black to fix it. Next time use mini-color Brown !
« Nice job Clement ! »
Eduardo from Germany repaired his shoes with Allstargum mini color (white). Nice work.
May your shoes live longer !!!